Epic Mickey Wiki X Discord

Wasteland Discord Server

The Epic Mickey Wiki has joined forces with Wasteland, our Discord server partner! Come hang out with other Epic Mickey fans and discuss the Epic Mickey series, wiki activities, modding discoveries, and more!


The rules in Wasteland differ from those of the wiki, so please read the #rules channel carefully before participating in the server. These rules exist to ensure that the server remains a respectful and welcoming place for everybody.


You may see some familiar faces from the wiki, but please be advised that the moderation teams of the Epic Mickey Wiki and Wasteland are completely separate. The wiki moderators cannot help with issues pertaining to the Discord server. As such, any server-related issues should be brought directly to Wasteland's moderation team, not the wiki mods.


By clicking the button below, you're indicating your acceptance of the above sections. You're also pledging to abide by Discord's Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.

The Epic Mickey Wiki's official Discord server was closed on November 30th, 2021. Members are advised to migrate to Wasteland, our new Discord server partner. To view the old server archive, click here.